Sydney really wanted me to help out in class one day. She keep telling me everyone's else's mom helped out ....Tommy's mom helps all the time and Sarah's mom and dad help out. Ok, ok I get the hint, so I arranged a day off and was afternoon helper. Class is 3 hours and they like helpers to come for the last two hours. It was quite an afternoon. I was in charge of a paint project, I would help paint both hands green (leafs on a flower) and press them on the page. Let's just say I had fun and had more paint on me than anyone. Then they had centers, they break the class into groups of 4-5 and again I was in charge of the painting activity. The teacher must have known Sydney and I love arts and crafts....sometime not to long ago it was known as "arts and crabs." I miss the "arts and crabs room" it just doesn't sound as fun as the office. It was a fun project, paint the entire page blue with water color, again I was the messiest one.

I love the little things like this and all the special moments we get to share. I am glad she wanted me to help out because with only a few weeks of kindergarten left I feel like the days of her wanting me to help out are going to be gone soon. The relaxed mornings and not starting school till 11:20 because she is in afternoon kindergarten are defiantly going to be missed. The 7:40 start time is going to be a big shock for both of us. Good thing we have the entire summer to figure just how early we will need to leave to be on time.
- Christa