Sydney's 6th birthday party was a blast! Here are more than a few photos from the party.

Very berry snacks: strawberries, cheese and crackers, cherries, chips and salsa, peanut butter and (strawberry) jelly sandwiches, cream cheese bites and Sydney's favorite cheese-it's.

The Super sweet strawberry desserts

This lucky little girl got not one, not two, but three special strawberry birthday cakes. Plus super cute mini cupcakes.

The final setup of the 'very berry strawberry snacks station' my favorite part of the party.

A few of the kids found a minute to stop and pose for a picture for me.
From left to right: Sydney, Aryanna, Mary and Shane.

The girls actually seemed to enjoy the little coloring station I setup with a few strawberry and strawberry shortcake coloring pages.

They were a pretty mellow group, as the party went on they actually sat and quietly played memory. I rigged it by only giving them half the cards from the strawberry shortcake memory game (of course.) It made the games go a little faster which was perfect to keep their attention and they had a blast. Even if Shane won every time, even when they teamed up girls against boys.

Sydney was a very lucky little girl and got a ton of gifts from everyone. The kids were so helpful and loved helping hand her gifts and read her the card they wrote.

A very special strawberry gift from her " bestest friend" Auntie Cara.

It didn't take long for the toys to make it out of the packaging and barbie and her friends will enjoy the new upgrade a pool with slide.

This is my favorite photo and per Sydney's request. With all the sign, posters and pictures I was printing she wanted one that said best day ever.... And I think it was.

- Christa