Time flys when you are having fun and that is just what happened. Summer just flew by. I took quite a few photos, here are some of the most memorable moments.

The first picture of the summer Sydney standing on top of the sign out front of her school. She was so excited for summer, and to stand on the sign. This will defiantly be repeated often.

Sydney found this outfit and just had to have it. It was actually her size and on sale so of course we got it. She wanted to send a picture to auntie Cara as soon as we left the store.

Then we stopped by and had a nice lunch on the patio under the fun umbrella. Defiantly the most relaxing and enjoyable summer lunch we had. Please notice she insisted on wearing her brand new hat, we were outside in the so how could I say no.

We picked max up from the groomers and Sydney wanted to immediately take him on a walk and get him dirty. It was as soon as we got home. Some how she decided she needed to go for a run which Max loved. It was adorable the two of them running up and down the street. I was not as fast or cute as them I am sure, well I was trying to capture the moment so I probably looked ridiculous running behind them with a camera.

Sydney surfing. While on one of our many target adventures Sydney asked what a slip n slide was which prompted me to immediately buy one and take her and set it up. It took her quite a few try's before she got the hang of it but it was so fun to watch and don't worry I even video taped a few failed attempts as well as her finally getting the hang of it. My favorite is still her surfing. She is so funny and creative I love it.

Cake pops..... Well sorta. I had the most delicious cake pop (thank you Jen) which made me decide maybe I should attempt to make some with Sydney. Well she was a great help with the cake part of it. The best stir-er and mixer but the frosting part could use some work. I had to photograph her huge cake pop she wanted to make. Maybe we need the cute cake pop molds and better frosting next time or I need to frost them and just let her put the sprinkles on. But for me half the fun is the mishaps and fun things Sydney comes up with especially when doing something for the first time.

We were able to watch the Menifee City forth on July fireworks that fall the Saturday before from the patio at Matt's parents house. The fire works show was a little under impressive so Matt pulls out a sparkler to make the night a little more exciting. It was defiantly the high light of Sydney's night.

Wii..... I could go on and on about the amount of time we talk about or spend time playing on the wii. It is very interactive and makes you getup and move for almost every game which I love. Golf was the cutest to watch I think because she takes it sooooo serious. Winning is very important Sydney is determined not to be lose or at least not come in last. Lucky for her I don't have great hand eye coordination so I'm generally in last.

A big girl bike ride. Sydney insisted she ride her bike home from papa and nana's. Well it turned into a total of four bike rides and she was so good didn't complain it was hot or hard going up the hill. I'm sure papa loved seeing her come up the street on the bike too. it was only a block but she felt like such a big girl and didn't even complain about her helmet also known as "helmic"

We made our second adventure to San Diego and to visit aunt Cara the weekend of July fourth.

These flowers were for Aunt Cara, sun flowers from the backyard. They were pretty amazing and Sydney was so proud of herself.

Sydney and me making silly faces on fourth of July to send to Matt and tease him about how much fun we were having at the beach even though we wish he was there.

Sydney showing off her face painting she "had" to have.... It was pretty and I'm glad she let me take a nice picture.

Sydney snuggled in auntie Cara's lap watching Scooby Doo trying to kill time before the Fireworks.

There was this cute little family of ducks all lined up following mama all around. Sydney couldn't help but follow them too. She was making sure they were safe.

More snuggle time with Aunt Cara.....it really was a long time to kill for Sydney so simple change of seating helped.

The Fireworks we waited for were defiantly worth it and by far the best show ever. The ride home was a little less impressive. We took the trolley with about 700 other people no joking the trolley was about 100 people past the maximum occupancy. Well at least after the 7th stop we could breathe and by about the 15th stop we got to sit. It will not be something I forget, yet it was fun and nice that it dropped us off at the door. I would have never attempted to drive home with all 5million possible 5 thousand people so actually it worked out ok just a little stressful.

We had to hit the beach and it was a looooong adventure and pretty dramatic. Sydney looks so upset because a crazy seagull snuck into the shark tent and stole her chips out of the beach bag. We chased him down but he had eaten half of them which again was very upsetting. Then we unfortunately had to use the portable restrooms. Not fun at all.

This is little more my style relaxing with feet up,it was at auntie Cara's community room which is nicer than a lot of places I've paid to use. The Ritz of common rooms with it's own Starbucks machine. Yeah Starbucks feet from her apartment door,not going to lie I would love it.

Another Fun adventure. Super splash day at the storm baseball game. Matt Sydney and I meet Thomas, from work, his girlfriend and son there and let me say it was defiantly the most fun baseball ever, and not just for Sydney. I can't wait till next year we are so going early with water guns and waterballons.

Thumbs up fro the plane finally landing. Nana Sue and uncle Thomais came to visit and we picked them up at Ontario. The flight was delayed about an hour so we killed a lot of time and money at Ontario mills. Please notice the new build a bear doggy we had to have. Better than a real new doggy.

Swim time with uncle Thomais, at Matts community pool. Nana Sue and I were little more of spectators than participants. It was a nice day over all and Sydney loved it. She is really turning into quite a little fish even though she's still nervous to swim alone.

After swim time we had a big special dinner at Johns incredible pizza. This was possible the only time Sydney sat still the whole day. She was worn out from swimming but couldn't wait to go play games.

Sydney and Matt on the ride.....not a bad ride but hey in will defiantly always opt to take a photo and not have to ride.

One last water day for Sydney with nana Sue. We took Sydney to celebration water park here in Moreno Valley and she had a blast. It was too hot for Sue and I to relax but fun watch Sydney run and splash around. It killed time and was free a great way to spend any afternoon.

A not so happy moment and let's just say it was a longtime coming but after weeks of "bathroom" issues we ended up having an X-ray and found out some of issues were relayed to extreme constipation as well as possible egg allergy. Still don't have a for sure answer but we do have three appointments with three different drs. I hope we can resolve the issues and resolve it ASAP.

I took Sydney and Matt to the Angels.... Nothing like the storm game so someone was crazy antsy and not so pleased. Next time 2 tickets and a sitter. I did enjoy my adult beverages :0)

One last trip to the beach before summer was over. We went to see my cousin who was renting a place steps from the beach. You don't have to ask me twice, it was a nice afternoon too bad we couldn't stay longer. Sydney really loved the beach and especially the water.

One last silly face on the car ride home from the beach to show off no sunburn, well little did I know her back would have a super great stripe from where her bathing suit strap moved. Well I tried and it wasn't really a burn just slightly pink for a day or so not like that spot between my strap and arm pit that I must not have reapplied sunscreen to at all.
There was a lot more that happened over the summer good and bad but looking back these are the things I want to remember the most. The things that I can laugh about and smile. Well here's to another great school year.
- Christa