There is a lot of hard work that goes into planning a bridal show. Many of you probably knew about the show because I was plastering everything in sight with the bridal show info. Let's just say I am glad I won't be taking flyers, cards, and signs everywhere I go. It will be nice to have a backseat and trunk again.... Lol ok who am I kidding my trunk will always be a mess but at least I can fit my groceries in my trunk again.

Most of you probably read or got the many emails and facebook posts I put out. My favorite was the short video we put together to promote the show, if you didn't get a chance see it check it out the link is still on my facebook. I can't wait to put more videos together about everything! Let me say thank you for not "unfriending" me and I'll won't be updating and posting about the show daily....well at least not for another 7 1/2 months....the next show is less that 363 days away! You can sign up, I'm not kidding it will be February 25th 2012. So all you 2012 brides get excited!!!!!!

There is lot of "behind the scenes" work that goes into the show but for the most part I love it! It takes months of planning and many vendors spend long hours getting ready for the shows. Like stuffing the swag bags the brides get and by far my favorite part this year would have to be the amazing Menifee Lakes Country Club Bride bags, I wish more brides will get to leave with them very soon. I did get to give the newest December 10th Menifee Lakes Bride one(she booked at the show.) I can't wait to give out my next Menifee Lakes Country Club Bride Bag.

- Christa
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