Time really flew by this year and Christmas was gone in the blink of an eye. Here is a collection of photos I took capturing the fun of Christmas and decorating.

A few twinkle lights added to Sydney's new big bed.

Sydney was so excited when we finally hung Christmas lights. With so much going on this year I opted for a few strands of amazing solar powered lights around the garage and a strand of white lights in each of the windows in the front of the house. Let me just say it was great not having to worry about extension cords or shorting lights out when connecting too many stands. Solar powered lights is sooooo the way to go trust me.

This by far would have to be my favorite photo, I took it by chance and it makes me smile every time I see it. I went to check on Sydney and see if she was getting ready for bed and found her snuggled in bed doing math. I love it! She was using her math post-it notes I bought her at the dollar store, and it was clearly a great purchase.

I snuck another photo when I got her to go brush her teeth for bed. She stuck each post-it note on the bed, wall and shelf. Priceless!

We made out first ever gingerbread house this year. Sydney had a blast and was so cute picking out just the right candy and placement for each.

Auntie Cara helped with quality control of the candy and documenting the whole thing.

Here is the finished gingerbread house with the adorable gingerbread man cookie I got from my coworker.

Here is another gingerbread shot. My cute gingerbread mug I got from my coworker.

The stockings were hung and all the gifts were in place all ready for Christmas morning.

Sydney opening her gifts on Christmas morning. She loved all of her gifts this year but the huge doll house would have to be a favorite and has been played with everyday. Well worth the hours of planning, building and sneaking it in and out of the house.

Sydney had to start playing with it and redecorating it immediately. It was adorable.

Sydney showing off her new fairy tink collection. She loved opening all her presents.

A group shot of me, Sydney, Auntie Tarah, Auntie Cara and Max on Christmas morning. It may have been the only group shot we took the whole week. Don't we look adorable in our matching jammies and Auntie Cara and Sydney's matching jammie pants.

Here's a cute touched up photo from Auntie Tarah.

Here is Sydney showing off her brand new iPod touch from Auntie Tarah. It was a whirlwind of a holiday but seeing the look on Sydney's face made it all worth it. �� Christa