Easter has finally come to an end ..... Yes I know it's June and Easter was in April but this year Sydney had so much fun with everything, decorating, hiding and finding Easter eggs how could I let it only last one weekend.
A few of the decorations we put up

This photo was taken 3 years ago when I took Sydney to the mall to see the Easter Bunny

My mini Easter arrangement, I know I'm a dork but I like it

Sydney's Easter basket all set up ready to be ripped into

She loved the sand castle stuff the best, could careless about the candy and eggs

The Easter egg hunt... With a little help from Auntie Cara and mommy

There were a few great hiding spots I would like to highlight. This is one reason why I don't hide real eggs, we would have been searching for days and didn't want any smelly surprises weeks later.

Three eggs hidden to Mach the surrounding colors.

Just at Sydney's eye level but still a hard one.

My favorite and the final egg it blended so well.

Checking the goodies out and deciding if she needed to rehide them or if he should have Auntie Cara hide them for her to find.
Easter part two:
So while I was at work and Sydney was with Nana and Auntie Cara Matt snuck over and set up the best Easter surprise for Sydney. It all started with a trail of candy from the door to Sydney's bed and the following card explaining what to do. It was the first clue to the Easter bunny scavenger hunt.

Clue one led us here:

After much looking mommy helped her find the next clue which led us here:

This clue read bathroom:

She was catching on and finding them much faster now.

This clue read playroom..... Mommy was scared we may never find with all the toys in there:

Found it! That clue lead us to the office

Pure enjoyment. I love that I caught the look on her face as she found it. The was the final clue that lead us back to Sydney's room and the grand prize:

Sydney loved the scavenger hunt so much she begged me to set it up over and over again for hours and she even set it up for me. By the second time searching I realized she was hiding them in the same exact spot same order... But it was still a ton of fun. We played scavenger hunt for weeks!

Who knew a few candy filled toys could lead to weeks of fun
- Christa
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