Auntie Cara moved to San Diego so we made our first official trip to see her in April, I am a little behind in posting this but April and May were busy. Of course we made time to enjoy the sun, swimming and the beach. Sydney had the time of her life she would have swam all day and night if we would have let her. She is very adventurous and loved everything about the trip from helping find Auntie Cara's new apartment, to to carrying the stuff she made everything seem like it was the greatest adventure in the world. It was only an overnight trip but we made the most of it. We drove out and meet Cara for dinner, we were very lucky not to hit any traffic leaving straight from school on Friday. But my planning ahead of loading new games on my iPhone and bringing Sydney her own headphones didn't hurt either. It made the "are we there yet" a little more bearable I was able to make it as far as Temecula before she started asking.

We had just enough time to hit the pool after dinner and as you can tell it was pretty nice, the sign looked like it should be hanging in a fancy hotel or night club not two feet from the spa.

The next morning we got up for our adventure to the beach....a fun filled day of sun, sand, swimming and of course a shark tent. You are missing out if you don't have a shark tent.

Sydney loved the water and wanted to stay in it all day from the second she stepped foot on the sand. I was impressed when I decided to write "San Diego " in the sand she jumped right in and wrote her name right next to it. Getting her to let me take a picture of this was a little more difficult. I was able to "sneak" in a "few" photos during the day.

It was defiantly enjoyable and worth it even if we did get a little sunburned and had a minor fender bender (while parked.) You know I really need to avoid all this dangerous places like parking spots. We will be going back soon and I can't wait to enjoy another relaxing day at the beach. Plus Sydney can't wait to visit Auntie Cara's "Fancy Hotel" again. As we were driving home late Saturday night the last words out of Sydney's mouth were "but why dose Auntie Cara live in a fancy hotel." It is not a hotel it is actual a very nice apartment complex but you can't tell Sydney she didn't believe me when I tried to explain to her it was an apartment. So for now it will be known as "HOTEL PRAVADA, the fancy hotel Auntie Cara lives in."
I love it, kids really do say the best things ever !
- Christa
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